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Return on REITs Investment

When anwsering the questions raised by one of my readers, I realize that there was an error printing on Table 11-1 of my book, Freedom.  Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank for all the feedback from my fellow readers.  You feedback will indeed allow me to give your better in the future.

Instead of doing the correction over the table in my book, I would like to share with you the latest return of my REITs investment.

As of 30-Jun-2013, the annual compounded return from my REITs investment was 19.1%.  In particular, HEKTAR and AXREIT gave me 24.6% and 31% respectively for the holding period of about 4.4 years.  My the other two holdings, STAREIT and AMFIRST, were also providing me an annual return of 10.5% and 10.9% respectively.

In short, I accumulated HEKTAR and AXREIT soon after 2008 Global Financial Crisis with impressive dividend payout throughout the holding period.  This is the main reason of impressive return.

Therefore, what we can learn here is that, no matter you are investing in REITs or stocks, the critical success factor is to buy quality REITs/stocks with impressive dividend payout at lowest possible holding cost.

As REITs are trusts with the backup of great property portfolios, I believe the risk is relatively lower than direct stock investment.  To me, it is an good investment alternative to investors who have moderate risk profile.

Happy investing.

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Return on REITs Investment
Return on REITs Investment
Reviewed by Pisstol Aer
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Rating : 4.5