I do receive a number of feedback highlighting the importance of expert advise and help on successful financial journey. Well, I must admit there are good financial advisers around but we also have to beware of who are don't. Be frank, I have been experiencing many insurance agents, unit trust agents, stock brokers, direct selling agents etc claim that they are qualified to help me on my financial success. I just can't tell whether they are telling me the truth or not if I know nothing in respective area. In order to know more, I joined them. Yes, I was an insurance agent and unit trust agent. I was also thinking of getting a stock broker license. I quit all these in 2003 after having conflicts with my group managers as I did not act according to what they expected me to do. Yes, I did not generate much income to them as my aim was to help while their focus were more on monetary value. As a matter of fact, they did nothing wrong. We just having different view on doing business.
Since I know these areas in detail, I have been very particular on choosing the right person to exercise my money management and investment decision. I know what I want and am doing. Therefore, whenever there is any financial adviser approaching me, I ask for reference and how much he worth. I will disqualify him if he worth less than me.
Similarly, when come to insurance, I will ask a number of leading questions and observe how he reacts and replies. The purpose is to see how much he knows about the products he introduces. I will disqualify him if he can't provides me satisfactory answer. My observation to these insurance agents is that, most of the time, they do not know their products well before introduce it to their clients, especially young agents.
When come to stock investment, I simply ignore those calls from my brokers as I have my own system that are working well for me.
I strongly suggest everyone to learn as much as you can so that you could effective filter out those faulty information. There is no excuses for not learning. I always hear people say that they don't have time to learn and monitor their investment. Therefore, they expect their fund managers to help them. My question is how do you ensure could act your best interest while they have to obey their duty listed in the trust deed. I really doubt about that. Is DIY investment really that difficult? No at all. For those who understand my course know this very well. My system has been helping me and my students to generate impressive return, even during the market downturn.
In summary, you are unique and special. You deserve to manage your own money. Trust yourself and be yourself. At the end of the day, only you could help yourself. Therefore, the key is to learn.
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Reviewed by Pisstol Aer
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