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Daily Expenses Control

"Everything price up!!!".  Yes, living expenses nowsaday is a big challenge to middle and low income earners.

Of course, there are many ways to minimize the impact.  Some might opt for one more part time job while others may look for ways to spend less.

As for me, time with family is more valuable than part time job, I pick the latter.

I recalled June 2008 when the petrol price was revised upward sharply due to sky high international crude.  My travelling expenses shot up immediately.  My counter measures, for short distance, I opt for cycling.  No more hard pick up when traffic light turned green.  No more unnecessary travelling.  The main purpose was to save fuel.  Some of my friends even modified their cars to NGV but I did not.  However, the impact of fuel price up was so huge that everything around us needs transportation to reach us and, therefore, everything price up.

One of my big achievement then was that I managed to reduce my electricity bill from about $50/month to $35/month.  Therefore, when TNB annouced tariff up on electricity, it did not affect me as my monthly usage was below 200kw.  You might ask, how do I do it?  Well, I strictly request all my family members to switch off whatever electrical items that are not in use.  Not even at standby mode.  It works and I am still doing the same thing now.

For my daily necessities, I survey through fliers, newspapers or any available source to seek for cheapest price for same items.  Shop at one or two places instead of shopping around to save fuel.  Reduce casual spending to minimum means less eating out and cook at home.

How do you control your expenses?  Please do share with us.
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Daily Expenses Control
Daily Expenses Control
Reviewed by Pisstol Aer
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Rating : 4.5